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Better browsing experience and more with YACReader 9.10

October 30, 22
List mode redesign

New home screen in YACReaderLibrary 9.10



  • Fixed color selection dialog appearing as a subwindow in macos
  • Better support for HDPI screens (SVG icons)


  • New folder content view that replaces the old subfolders in this folder view shown when folders don't have direct comics.
  • Fixed going forward in history navigation
  • Continue Reading view that it is shown for the root folder
  • UI gets updated when YACReaderLibrary gets updates from YACReader or YACReader for iOS
  • Fixed selected folder restoration after folder updates
  • Better support for HDPI screens (SVG icons)
  • Add option to delete metadata from comics
  • Importing ComicInfo.XML is now optional and disabled by default, you can change the behavior in Settings -> General
  • Add option to scan XML metadata from all the comics in a folder.


  • Add webui status page (reachable by navigating to server::port/webui). This has been implemented by @codeRae and @selmf as part of the Hacktoberfest and it was done under the Devexperts' OpenHack initiative. Thank you all!!

I hope you enjoy this new version. As always, let me know any suggestions or problems you may have. Please, if you like YACReader consider to become a patron in Patreon or donate some money using Pay-Pal and help keeping the project alive.


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