#!/bin/bash #Script to launch YACReader Library into a "headless" VNC session #Heavily inspired by http://askubuntu.com/a/196353 # User/Home for script. While this might seem like it allows for the script to run by another user, # it actually won't work as the script does not use su/sudo. This is mostly to overcome the script being # added to cron.d where it would run under root. USER="yac" USER_HOME=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f6) # Directory to save log files into LOGDIR="$USER_HOME/.vnc/log" # Log files # TODO: Have logging / debug version of commands that are controlled through a --debug switch passed on # the command line. LOGIFLE="$LOGDIR/yacvnc.log" # Display Number DISPID="5" # Resolution,Depth etc. DISPRES="1200x800x24+32" # IP Range allowed. Default allows the block IPRANGE="192.168." # VNC Port VNCPORT="5900" DISPPORT=$((VNCPORT + DISPID)) # Window Manager to actually draw the frame for YACReader Library. # Use metacity, compiz, fluxbox etc. if you prefer. Script defaults to XFWM 4 (XFCE 4) WMGR="xfwm4" # Script starts here. Unless you are comfortable with what the script is doing # No further changes required! #set -x #Uncomment to turn debugging on # Create required directories if [ ! -e "$LOGDIR" ] # Check Backup Directory exists. then mkdir -p "$LOGDIR" fi # Refresh log files : > "$LOGIFLE" # Find Executables. This should ideally not be required because the PATH set for cron # in /etc/environment should include these executables. But this also acts as a dependency check. # Fails https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2015 though. YACWINNAME="YACReader Library" WMCTRLEXEC="$(command -v wmctrl)" && command -v wmctrl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The script requires wmctrl but it's not installed. Aborting." | tee -a "$LOGIFLE"; unset WMCTRLEXEC; exit 1; } XVFBEXEC="$(command -v Xvfb)" && command -v Xvfb >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The script requires Xvfb but it's not installed. Aborting." | tee -a "$LOGIFLE"; unset XVFBEXEC; exit 1; } VNCEXEC="$(command -v x11vnc)" && command -v x11vnc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The script requires x11vnc but it's not installed. Aborting." | tee -a "$LOGIFLE"; unset VNCEXEC; exit 1; } WMEXEC="$(command -v "$WMGR")" && command -v "$WMGR" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The Window Manager specified does not appear to be a valid choice. Aborting." | tee -a "$LOGIFLE"; unset WMEXEC; unset WMGR; exit 1; } YACEXEC="$(command -v YACReaderLibrary)" && command -v YACReaderLibrary >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The script requires YACReader Library but it's not installed. Aborting." | tee -a "$LOGIFLE"; unset YACEXEC; exit 1; } # Even though is a script to launch YACReader Library, we will exit any running instances first echo "Killing any running sessions of YACReader Library" | tee -a "$LOGIFLE" # This will kill all Xvfb sessions for the defined user, so if you have other Xvfb sessions you need active # Consider running YACReader Library under a different user that will not clash pgrep -u "$USER" Xvfb | xargs kill -- #This one-liner has the added benefit of terminating VNC, the WM & YACReader as well. Nice! #Setup the Framebuffer display and Window Manager echo "Starting the display" | tee -a "$LOGIFLE" #The RANDR extension was added so that VNC stops complaining. "$XVFBEXEC" :"$DISPID" -screen 0 "$DISPRES" -ac +extension RANDR &>/dev/null & #We are specifying Bash for the interpreter, so no POSIX Compliance here! echo "Waiting for 10 seconds to allow Xvfb to initalize" | tee -a "$LOGIFLE" sleep 2 /bin/echo -ne '#### (20%)\r' sleep 2 /bin/echo -ne '######## (40%)\r' sleep 2 /bin/echo -ne '############ (60%)\r' sleep 2 /bin/echo -ne '################ (80%)\r' sleep 2 /bin/echo -ne '#################### (100%)\r' /bin/echo -ne '\n' DISPLAY=:"$DISPID" "$WMEXEC" &>/dev/null & #Start VNC into the Xvfb display echo "Starting VNC" | tee -a "$LOGIFLE" # Few options to explain: # Since the default command restricts access by IP Range inside a typical Home LAN, no password is set # If you do want to set a password, first run x11vnc -storepasswd which will create ~/.vnc/passwd # Then change -nopw to -usepw # If you need additional logging, you can replace -quiet with -logfile /path/to/vncerr.log "$VNCEXEC" -display :"$DISPID" -rfbport "$DISPPORT" -noipv6 -noxdamage -ncache_cr -nolookup --nopw --allow "$IPRANGE" -quiet -noclipboard -bg --forever #Launch YACReader Library and maximize it echo "Starting YACReader Library" | tee -a "$LOGIFLE" DISPLAY=:"$DISPID" "$YACEXEC" &>/dev/null & echo "Waiting for 2 seconds to allow YAC Reader Library to load" | tee -a "$LOGIFLE" sleep 2 DISPLAY=:"$DISPID" "$WMCTRLEXEC" -r "$YACWINNAME" -b add,fullscreen #set +x #Turn debugging off exit 0